Saturday, January 28, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In #25: My small, lovely life

My life is not perfect.  There are times when I dislike work, feel angry, and struggle with being depressed or deflated-feeling.  This is normal, natural, and everyone feels this.  But not today.  Today, while it's only half over, has been positively lovely.

I woke up at 7:30 this morning, opening my eyes to a lovely room filled with orange sunlight.  I was wrapped up in warm blankets, and the sheets were particularly soft and cozy against my skin.  

I came into the living room to find my sweet husband sitting on the love seat, playing solitaire in the quiet room.  The smell of coffee drew me into the kitchen, and after getting a cup of warm happiness and kissing my husband on the cheek, I sunk into my own spot on the couch and watched The Golden Girls for a bit while waking up.  We laughed at the girls as I drank my coffee and morning shake, and talked a bit about what kind of summer vacation we might want to take.  

Then, my sweet husband (who had been awake since 5am - always the early riser) went to lay down for his mid-morning nap/reading time, and I rolled up the carpet to make a space for Zumba.  I worked up a sweat and felt pretty good about my goofy, uncoordinated workout.  Then, I took a lovely, warm shower,trimmed my bangs, and settled back into my warm spot on the couch.  

This is nothing earth-shattering.  I did not find a cure for Alzheimer's Disease, I didn't save a turtle trying to cross the road - I didn't even do anything "productive" like dusting or laundry.  But I have had a truly enchanting morning - it has been warm and cozy, pleasant and gentle.  

Part of why this has been such a lovely morning is undoubtedly the fact that I love my family and our home, and feel completely happy here.  Another part is that I always feel better after exercise.  But stranger still is the fact that so much of my contentment is directly tied to my healthier, smaller body - I am certain of it.  When you feel good, life looks a little better.  It seems easier - and certainly richer.  Even if mine is a small life, it's a very good one.  Part of this is because I'm making it good - better, even.  

This week, I weighed in.  Here are the results.

Starting weight - 270 lbs.
This week's weight - 204 lbs.
Pounds lost - 2 lbs.
Total pounds lost - 66 lbs.

Maybe the reason I think today is lovely is because this morning, I stepped on the scale and saw 202 - not an official weigh-in, but a good sign that on Tuesday, weigh-in day, things will be good.  I'm so close to breaking 200... another reason to be happy.

I also think that part of having a lovely life is recognizing that it's lovely - not just filled with strife, tiredness, or turmoil.  If you can't actually see how much you have, you'll never really enjoy it.  My life is small and imperfect, but lovely.

Whether it's the cozy warmth of a sunny winter Saturday, the endorphin rush of exercise, the sweet husband kisses, or the withering numbers on the scale, I am very happy with my small life today.  I hope yours is just as lovely.

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